Hola !
Siguiendo con mi temática marcapaginesca les presento las instrucciones de estos marcapáginas en forma de kokeshi...
Continuing with my theme "marcapaginesca", I present this bookmarks instructions in the form of kokeshi...
Continuing with my theme "marcapaginesca", I present this bookmarks instructions in the form of kokeshi...
Utilicé algodón en hilaza mercerizada para tejer, gancho de acero no. 6 y diferentes hilos acrílicos para bordar...
Mercerized cotton yarn used for weaving, steel hook # 6 and different acrylic yarns for embroidery...
Mercerized cotton yarn used for weaving, steel hook # 6 and different acrylic yarns for embroidery...
1.-Iniciar con aro deslizable para ajustar al centro y que se note lo menos posible, sobre él 12 puntos altos (todos los utilizados serán de 1 vuelta en el gancho pero con 2 lazadas para salir, excepto cuando se mencione lo contrario).
En la segunda vuelta tejer 1 aumento por cada punto (total 24 puntos altos)...
Star with sliding ring to adjust the center and be noticed as little as possible about it 12 double crochet stitches -dc- (all used will be 1 round on the hook but with 2 loops to go, except where otherwise stated).
In the second round work 1 increase (total 24 dc stitches)...
En la segunda vuelta tejer 1 aumento por cada punto (total 24 puntos altos)...
Star with sliding ring to adjust the center and be noticed as little as possible about it 12 double crochet stitches -dc- (all used will be 1 round on the hook but with 2 loops to go, except where otherwise stated).
In the second round work 1 increase (total 24 dc stitches)...
2.-Cambio de color para el pelo, tejer todos aumentos con puntos altos y dejar 8 puntos libres...
Changing hair color, knit all increases (in double crochet stitch) with high points and leave 8 free points...
Changing hair color, knit all increases (in double crochet stitch) with high points and leave 8 free points...
3.-Nos regresamos con punto deslizado al medio de la cabeza y empezamos a tejer un medio círculo de 10 puntos altos (3 lazadas de salida) para formar el molote de la peluca, terminar y rematar...
We slipped back to about the middle of the head and began to weave a half circle of 10 dc stitch (3 loops out) to form bun (molote) the wig, complete and finish...
We slipped back to about the middle of the head and began to weave a half circle of 10 dc stitch (3 loops out) to form bun (molote) the wig, complete and finish...
4.-Cambio de color para el kimono, dejamos un punto de la cabeza libre a cada extremo y tejemos en puntos altos, 1 aumento, 4 p.a., 1 aumento...
Color change to the kimono, a point we head open at each end and knit at double crochet stitch, 1 increase, 4 dc, 1 increase...
Color change to the kimono, a point we head open at each end and knit at double crochet stitch, 1 increase, 4 dc, 1 increase...
5.-Tejer en puntos altos las siguientes 2 vueltas, con los aumentos que indica el gráfico orientativo...
Work in the following double crochet stitches 2 laps, with the increases indicating graphic guidance...
Work in the following double crochet stitches 2 laps, with the increases indicating graphic guidance...
6.-Deslizar el hilo hasta el 3er. punto y seguir con puntos altos para empezar a tejer la parte baja del cuerpo (v. gráfico)...
Slide the thread to the 3rd. stitch and continue with double crochet to begin weaving the lower body (see chart)...
Slide the thread to the 3rd. stitch and continue with double crochet to begin weaving the lower body (see chart)...
Gráfico orientativo...
7.-Ahora bordamos el fleco de la cara en hilo acrílico color negro para integrar todo el pelo...
Now embroider the fringe of acrylic yarn face black to integrate all of hair...
Now embroider the fringe of acrylic yarn face black to integrate all of hair...
8.-Bordamos la carita y decoramos el peinado...
We embroider the face and decorate her hair...
We embroider the face and decorate her hair...
9.-Delineamos las mangas y bordamos la faja del kimono...
We outline the sleeves and embroidered kimono belt...
We outline the sleeves and embroidered kimono belt...
10.-Humedecemos y pasamos la plancha tibia por atrás, tejemos los flecos de abajo y si queremos podemos decorar la vestimenta con diferentes bordados...
Moisten and spent the warm iron from the back, knit fringe below and if we can decorate with different embroidered dress...
Moisten and spent the warm iron from the back, knit fringe below and if we can decorate with different embroidered dress...
Y taraaaaán!, nuestros bonitos marcapáginas ya están listos!!!, qué les pareció?...
And taraaaaán!, our beautiful bookmarks are ready!!!, what they thought?...

Espero que se diviertan haciéndolos y nos compartan sus resultados...
Sean muy felices y au revoir...!
I hope you have fun making them and we share their results...
Are very happy and Au revoir...!