Después de días muy atareados, otra vez por acá con la Matrioska amigurumi -que hice muy a mi manera y espero les sea útil como referencia-...
After busy days, again over here with the Matrioska amigurumi, which did much to my way and I find it useful as a reference...
Después de días muy atareados, otra vez por acá con la Matrioska amigurumi -que hice muy a mi manera y espero les sea útil como referencia-...
After busy days, again over here with the Matrioska amigurumi, which did much to my way and I find it useful as a reference...

First to head made a little ball with this tutorial...

Not closed to start knitting the body, from there I went the following stitches...

vuelta 2: (1 punto bajo(p.b)-1 aumento), repetir hasta terminar la vuelta.
vuelta 3: mismo no. de p.b. que la vuelta 2
vuelta 4: (2 p.b.-1 aumento) repetir hasta terminar la vuelta.
vuelta 5, 6 y 7: mismo no. de p.b. que vuelta 4.
vuelta 8: (3 p.b.-1 disminución), repetir hasta terminar la vuelta.
vuelta 9: mismo no. de p.b. que la vuelta 8.
vuelta 10: (3 p.b.-1 disminución), repetir hasta terminar la vuelta.
vuelta 11: mismo no. de p.b. que la vuelta 10.
vuelta 12: (3 p.b.-1 disminución), repetir hasta terminar la vuelta.
vuelta 13: mismo no. de p.b. que la vuelta 12.
vuelta 14: todos los puntos tejidos como disminuciones hasta terminar la vuelta.
vuelta 15: seguir disminuyendo hasta cerrar.
row 1: same number of stitches (single crocret -sc-) of the head base...
row 2: (1 sc- 1 increase) repeat to finish the round.
row 3: same number of stitches row 2.
row 4: (2 sc- 1 increase) repeat to finish the round.
row 3: same number of stitches row 2.
row 4: (2 sc- 1 increase) repeat to finish the round.
row 5, 6 y 7: same number of stitches row 4.
row 8: (3 sc- 1 increase) repeat to finish the round.
row 9: same number of stitches row 8.
row 10: (3 sc- 1 decrease) repeat to finish the round.
row 11: same number of stitches row 10.
row 12: (3 sc- 1 decrease) repeat to finish the round.
row 13: same number of stitches row 12.
row 14: Work all decreases, repeat to finish the round.
row 15: Continue to decrease until closing.
Ahora seguí con la pañoleta de la muñeca (en verde), para lo cual volví a tejer con la receta de Marta una bolita hasta la mitad, se la puse a manera de gorro y por enfrente le tejí unas cadenas que la unen...
Now I went with the stole of the doll (green), for which I returned to knitting with a ball recipe Marta halfway, it started way in front of her hat and knitted chains that bind ...
Se teje a cada lado una especie de "orejera" con puntos altos (5) que se van uniendo a las cadenas de enfrente...
Each side is woven a "earmuff" with double corchet stitches (5) that are joining the chains to front line...
Hecho ésto, se tejen dos hileras con punto enano a manera de collar por todo alrededor...
This is done, two rows are woven with a crochet collar way all around (in half double crochet stitch)...

Ya quedó listo el cuerpo y la estructura principal de la Matrioska...Now I went with the stole of the doll (green), for which I returned to knitting with a ball recipe Marta halfway, it started way in front of her hat and knitted chains that bind ...

Each side is woven a "earmuff" with double corchet stitches (5) that are joining the chains to front line...

This is done, two rows are woven with a crochet collar way all around (in half double crochet stitch)...

And was ready the body and the main structure of the Matrioska ...

Now we have to embroider the hair, carefully took some parts of the stole to make it fixed ...

I embroidered a dreamy face (according to Russian tradition, the original matrioskas contain different moods, one inside the other), and decorated the front with daisy flowers stitches...

And was ready the Matrioska doll!...

The knit with mercerized cotton yarn for weaving Omega # 6, steel hook # 4 and I embroidered with acrylic yarn ...

Happy days! We are what we think! and today is the best day of our lives, a big smile :) and au revoir ...!